Social Media Platforms: 3 Tips on How Publishers can Win

Let’s face it. Social media platforms have become a driving force in publisher monetization. These platforms provide publishers with an opportunity to target a demographic and deliver specified content with precision. Not only are publishers able to earn revenue from these platforms but they also receive analytics to back up their efforts. However before publishers hit ‘auto’ and solely rely on a social media platform’s performance here are a few tips to consider when monetizing on a social media platform.

Stay focused
For mid and long-tail publishers, social media platforms are great for referring traffic but don’t get too comfortable. Platforms such as Facebook consistently change their algorithms for traffic referrals. Keep this in mind as the traffic rolls in.

It’s all about the content
Consistent and readily available content is key in maximizing performance on a social media platform. The more engaging the content, the better chance you have at converting social viewers to regular visits to your own site. Also consider releasing archived materials and creating timeless and even seasonal content which can re-published at any time.

Nurture your demographic 
Once you gain loyal visitors from social platforms, retaining them is key! Targeting and retargeting visitors with engaging ads keeps your users interested and familiar with your site. Consider using a CRM service to further develop the relationship with your visitors.

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