We produced the 33Across Programmatic Cookieless Trends Report in order to highlight cookieless trends across varying advertising industry verticals on the 33Across exchange from August – September 2022.
The Key Questions the Report Answers:
For programmatic advertisers:
- Which advertising vertical purchased the most cookieless inventory?
- What was the share of programmatic buying for each advertising vertical by cookie-state and how is this trending?
- How do cookieless CPMs compare to cookied CPMs for advertising verticals?
For supply:
- Which content categories monetized the most cookieless supply?
- What was the share of programmatic monetization for cookieless and cookied for each content category?
4 Key Takeaways from the Report:
- Same purchase behaviors: With the introduction of Lexicon in the past year, cookieless inventory can be purchased programmatically through DSPs the same way as cookied inventory.
- Cookieless spend vs. cookie spend: Particular advertising verticals spent more on cookieless inventory in September than cookied, and more verticals are shifting their programmatic budgets to cookieless.
- Cookieless impressions cost less: Across all advertising verticals, there’s a CPM gap. We break down specific numbers by advertising vertical.
- September movers: September saw a significant shift in cookieless investments for 4 specific advertising verticals.
- Content is still king: Content-rich publishers like Sports, Health & Wellness, News, and Entertainment are sought after and continue to perform better for cookieless segments.
To see specific performance data, platform buying behaviors, digital ad spend trends, and more, download the full report here.