Cookie Alternative Programmatic Spending Increases for Top Advertising Verticals

Despite concerns of a looming recession and a potential drop in ad spend in the first half of 2023, Google’s decision to get rid of third-party cookies in 2024 set the stage for an urgent scramble toward cookie alternative solutions in Q3 2023. As a result, we saw an increase in cookie alternative spending across a number of core industries.

In the latest 33Across Programmatic Cookie Alternative Trends Report, we highlight buy-side and sell-side cookie alternative trends on the 33Across exchange during Q3 2023.

Specifically, the report answers the following questions:

Programmatic Advertisers:

  • Which advertising vertical purchased the most cookie alternative inventory?
  • What was the share of programmatic buying for each advertising vertical by cookie-state and how is this trending?
  • How do cookie alternative CPMs compare to cookied CPMs for advertising verticals?


    • Which content categories monetized the most cookie alternative supply?
    • What was the share of programmatic monetization for third-party cookies and cookie alternatives for each content category?

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Cookie Alternative SOV Grew by 2X for the Largest Programmatic Advertising Verticals
    Retail and Finance advertisers more than doubled their cookie alternative investment in Q3 to test cookie alternative environments and reach larger audiences

    2. Advertisers Shift Budgets Outside Of Third-Party Cookies
    Auto advertisers’ overall programmatic spending was relatively flat in Q3 but they increased their cookie alternative SOV by 42%

    3. A Top 5 Credit Card Company Heavily Invests in Cookie Alternative Inventory
    To break through a competitive marketplace, a top 5 credit card company grew its cookie alternative SOV to 43%

    4. Publishers Grow Cookie Alternative Revenue
    Most publisher content categories grew their unaddressable revenue from demand for unaddressable inventory. Greater competition from Retail, Travel, and Insurance advertisers increased CPMs for cookie alternative inventory

    33Across Programmatic Cookie Alternative Trends Report Q3 2023 Download to see the full list


    Download the full report here to see specific performance data, platform buying behaviors, digital ad spend trends, and more.


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