Here’s How to Get the Most Out of Cookieless Monetization This Q4

Welcome to the last 4th quarter with the third-party cookie. Unless you’re feeling 100% confident in your cookieless monetization strategy, this is the post for you. If you’re interested in increasing demand for your cookieless traffic, want to see the revenue impact from your unaddressable inventory, and feel more prepared for what lies ahead, read on. Publishers have a lot of flexibility on how they can implement Lexicon to increase monetization for their unaddressable supply. Whether you’re connecting Lexicon to drive cookieless demand across your supply-side partners or are a 33Across platform partner, here are ways to make sure that you are getting the most from your unaddressable traffic.

For Lexicon Connection Users

Lexicon helps publishers monetize their unaddressable inventory across existing supply-side platforms. We’re always onboarding more partners to help bring you scale so be on the lookout for how you can turn on more differentiated demand. Interested in learning more? Contact us here.

Enable Lexicon Connections across Prebid, Amazon, and Google
Whether publishers use Prebid, Google Open Bidding, or Amazon Publisher Services, they can easily begin to scale cookie alternative revenue without any major lift. Learn more about Lexicon Connections here.

Make sure Prebid is Updated
If you’re already using Lexicon’s User ID module in Prebid to monetize unaddressable supply, make sure you Update your Prebid to version 8.3 to enable more demand sources.

Measuring New Identity Solutions
When beginning to work with a new identity partner or making any adjustment, you need to create a measurement baseline. To do this establish your SSP/DSP spend baselines before going live.

For 33Across Platform Users

Platform users automatically enable Lexicon across their inventory. Using the 33Across platform allows you to analyze how your cookieless supply performs against your third-party cookie supply.

Update Ads.Txt to Earn Revenue from New Demand Partners
To make sure that you receive maximum advertiser spend, you need to keep your ads.txt file up to date. To learn more about the importance of a fresh ads.txt file and best practices, check out this blog post. Already a 33Across partner? Update your ads.txt file here.

Send Unmatched Inventory
Platforms default to allow ‘matched inventory’ since programmatic advertising has long relied on third-party cookies.  In order to monetize supply outside of third-party cookies, publishers need to check their settings and send unmatched inventory. This will allow unmatched users to enter the bidstream. This simple detail will save you hours of troubleshooting.  

Cookieless Reseller Lines are a Gift
Cookieless traffic benefits greatly from reseller lines, so it’s important for publishers to not disregard them. 80% of Lexicon’s demand is provided via our reseller lines which enables publishers to experience greater monetization that they would otherwise miss out on.


Navigating the programmatic world beyond third-party cookies is not easy but finding the right mix of trusted partners to replace it will help bridge the gap as Google begins to roll back the industry’s main identifier. Feel like you could still use some help or want to set up some time to talk to one of our addressable experts? We’re here to help!


By: Michael Bohling | Account Executive, Publisher Success at 33Across

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